Massive Kratom Backlog: 1,525 Tons Stuck at Indonesian Ports Amid Permit Delays Under New Regulations

06 Jan, 2025 News 0 Hit: 179

Indonesian kratom exporters face shipment delays due to the government's transition to new kratom export regulations.

Issued in September 2024, two new regulations outlawed low quality, untested, and/or contaminated products from being exported outside of Indonesia.

The government has been slow to issue required permits required under the new law, causing a backlog of three months since the new law was passed, says Chairman of the Indonesian Kratom Entrepreneurs Association (Pekrindo) Yosef.

The industry is waiting on a government appointed inspector who must file a report before the Ministry of Trade can begin the approval process for permits.

Kratom exporters must meet several requirements before they can continue exporting kratom:

To secure the necessary permits from the Ministry of Trade, a government-appointed inspector must file a report confirming that the kratom exporters meets the new standards. Kratom must be free from microbiological contamination, heavy metals, and non-kratom leaf material. Only then can exporters be registered as an official exporter, and obtain export approval.

These steps are designed to ensure that exported kratom is of high quality and safe for consumption.

The kratom export industry in Indonesia has been growing significantly, especially in regions like West Kalimantan on the Island of Borneo.

Reportedly, 95% of kratom consumed in the United States comes from Indonesia.

Contaminated kratom has posed a significant issue in the U.S., with multiple outbreaks of Salmonella linked to kratom products. Additionally, some kratom samples have been found to contain dangerous levels of heavy metals, such as lead and nickel. Mold contamination, depending on Indonesia’s growing season, has also been a concern. Consequently, American importers have conducted tests on kratom shipments and refused payment for contaminated products, leading to substantial financial losses for Indonesian kratom farmers.

Chairman of the Indonesian Kratom Entrepreneurs Association (Pekrindo) Yosef

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